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Welcome to the Music Department

Matt Farris Curriculum Leader
Melina Nicolaou Teacher 
Richard Anderson Peripatetic Keyboard/Piano
Krzysztof Stasiak Peripatetic Woodwind
Dave Thomas Peripatetic Brass
Amy Thompson-Kenny Peripatetic Vocal
Simon Mellish Peripatetic Drums
Sim Jones Peripatetic Guitar/Violin
Peter Thompson Peripatetic Cello

What is Music, and why is it important?

In music, students learn to develop their creative thinking and apply their musical understanding and skills as performers, composers and appraisers. The value of music as an academic subject lies in its contribution to enjoyment and enrichment, and to enable a lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of music. Music can help to develop language and reasoning, increase coordination, build imagination and intellectual curiosity, improve self-confidence, and provide all students with a sense of achievement

What do students learn in Music?

Students learn how to perform expressively with consideration to the intentions of the composer. Students learn to compose with musical coherency and fluency, with an awareness of the stylistic conventions of the chosen genre. Students learn to appraise music both in written and spoken form, applying specific musical vocabulary. Students learn the importance of technology in music and develop their composition skills using both Sibelius and GarageBand.

Challenge and support in Music

In the Music Department, we aim to help all students build up their confidence in musical understanding and musical communication and to develop their creative thinking.  Musical learning is a continuous process, building on prior knowledge, skills and understanding. Curriculum lessons aim to build the musical capacity of all students, regardless of ability, or their musical starting point. The extensive extracurricular programme offers every student in the school the opportunity to participate and provides additional challenge for those who want to further develop their musical understanding and skills.

How is Music assessed?

In Key Stage 3, knowledge, skills and understanding are assessed throughout schemes of work using a range of practical and listening tasks. Students are assessed by success criteria that will show whether their skills, knowledge and understanding are Emerging, Developing, Secure or Excelling. Formative assessment takes place in every lesson, mostly through observing students at work and intervening to support and challenge where necessary.

We follow the Edexcel exam board leading to GCSE Music. The course is delivered through four Areas of Study.  Each Area of Study requires students, through the skills of performing, composing and appraising, to develop aural perception and musical knowledge and understanding.

The final assessment of GCSE music comprises three component papers: -

Unit 1  Performing                               30%      internally assessed, externally moderated
Unit 2 Composition                             30%      internally assessed, externally moderated
Unit 3 Listening and Appraising    40%      externally assessed


Learning beyond the classroom

We are very proud of the extra-curricular music opportunities we offer students at Eggar’s. A range of music ensembles provide students with a broad and diverse choice:

  • United Voices Choir – open to all students.
  • Voices in Harmony Choir – invite only.
  • Concert Band – open to all students.
  • Big Band – Invite only.
  • Wild West Folk Band – open to all students.
  • String Ensemble – open to all students.
  • The Rhythmatists – open to all students.

We have regular concerts throughout the school year as well as a biennial Music Tour to Europe.

Home learning in Year’s 7 and 8 is Project based and students complete one task over the course of a half term. In Years 9, 10 and 11, weekly home learning tasks are directly related to classroom learning.

Where can Music lead?

Studying music will show future colleges and employers that you can be creative, independent and generally amazing! GSCE Music gives a good foundation for careers in the music industry, publishing, entertainment and teaching, or any job which involves creativity, communication and expressive skills.  GCSE Music is also good preparation for A Levels in Music and Music Technology as well as BTEC Music courses. 


Please find our Music Tuition Information below.