Frequently asked questions about joining Eggar’s School
You will find most information on the Admissions page on our website.
If you still need further questions answered, please email Mrs Street ( or call us (01420) 541194. We will be very happy to help.
You can print out this document using the link at the bottom of the page.
> How big is the school?
There are currently 875 students at Eggar’s, less than the average secondary school.
> What facilities do you have?
Set in a magnificent 38-acre site, the school is an inspiring environment with superb facilities including a revamped science block, a bespoke Refectory, performance studios and a state-of-the-art Astroturf pitch.
> What is the average class size?
This does vary depending on the year group and Key Stage 4 option choices, but it is approximately 25 students.
> School day?
The school day starts at 08:30. There is a mid-morning break between 10:45 and 11:00. Lunch is from 13:00 until 13:30. School finishes at 14:30.
> Uniform requirements and guidelines?
All our students are required to wear school uniform. We believe it is really important, giving our students a strong sense of both belonging and of identity.
> School meals?
We have a bespoke Refectory and a specific area for Year 7s only to pick up their snacks. There is an amazing menu and no need for students to carry around cash with our cashless catering.
> Transport to Eggar’s?
If you’d like information on bus routes to Eggar’s or our Park and Stride scheme:
> How is transition handled?
The transition from primary to secondary is made much easier by the warm, caring and supportive atmosphere at Eggar’s. We have a comprehensive transition programme to ensure that there are no surprises for your child as they begin the next phase of their education.
> Individual Needs?
At Eggar’s we believe that all students are unique, and it is the aim of the school to help our students reach their full potential. The Individual Needs Department seeks to help students and staff to find strategies to remove any barriers they may encounter that could hinder their progress.
> What happens if my child is upset and needs someone to talk to?
All staff members are responsible for the welfare and safety of our students but, in addition, we have a specific Inclusion department and a dedicated Pastoral Support Assistant who is available during the school day to speak with students who may be upset or have something they want to share.
> What does the school curriculum look like?
We seek to match the curriculum to the needs of the individual so that each student develops confidence and a sense of achievement through learning.
> What extra-curricular activities do you offer?
All our amazing extra-curricular activities come under the unique Eggar’s Experience umbrella with more than 50 after school clubs – all developing our students’ creativity, talents and passion for their lives beyond Eggar’s.
> How do you review academic progress?
At Key Stage 3 there are progress reviews/reports twice a year. This information allows parents to easily check if their child is on track with their academic studies. This is supplemented with external assessments for English, Maths and Science in Years 7and 8 which provides a national standardised score in each subject. There are also progress reviews twice a year at Key Stage 4. Information is also provided about current and predicted bands of grades for GCSE course e.g. 9 - 7, 6 - 4, 3 - 1.
Effort grades are used across both key stages alongside academic performance.
> What is Bring Your Own Device?
Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scheme allows students to bring in their own tablet device for learning. We provide a free subscription to Office 365 and secure, filtered internet for every student.
> What is The Eggar’s Learner?
‘The Eggar’s Learner’ represents every effort that a student can make to be an effective learner. From finding the creative spirit within them to persevering to achieve the most positive outcome.
> Homework?
Our online homework facility for students is called Show My Homework (SMH), now known as Satchel.
> Are there opportunities for more able and talented students?
We provide our academically most able students with access to broad, balanced and challenging curriculum opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential.
> Do you play competitive sport?
For most of our extra-curricular clubs we offer the opportunity for students to play competitive sport. For most sports we have teams within a year group; for some sports they require us to have teams by age (For example an U13 team would have a combination of Year 7 and Year 8 students). Our local leagues are some of the strongest in the county and include state and private schools. We also compete in the Aldershot and Farnborough district leagues, but county competitions and National competitions for certain sports.
> What languages do you teach?
French and Spanish.
> What instruments can I learn in music?
Students can share instrument lessons or get individual tuition. Currently you can learn: all brass, all woodwind, cello, double bass, piano, keyboard, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drum kit, and singing.