The King’s Arms is a charity that has been set up to meet the needs of the young people of Petersfield and Alton and their surrounding villages. They run a range of different clubs for different age groups and have loads of cool things for them to do from arts and crafts, cooking or just having a space to chill!
In Alton, The King’s Arms run after school clubs, SuperSONICs (a weekly group for young people with autism and additional needs), Young Carers groups and mentoring sessions. They also run a weekly Aspire programme.
If your child would benefit from any of these opportunities, please contact KA directly.
The King's Arms Alton
5a Vicarage Hill, Alton,
Hampshire, GU34 1HT
Tel: 07769 695480
Facebook: @TheKingsArmsYouthProjectHants
We are delighted to partner with Anna Freud and have been using their services and training for some time.
Through Anna Freud we can offer:
Direct mental health support to young people, parents/carers and school staff to improve wellbeing and reduce the escalation of mental ill health.
Training for young people in wellbeing peer support.
Anna Freud have teamed up with trusted mental health charity Mind to provide free one-to-one online mental health support for young people aged 11 and up.
For children aged 11-15, this would be offered in school for students with mild to moderate low mood or anxiety. Sessions are online and a parent would need to attend the first session.
Over 16s can self-refer and sessions would usually take place after school online.
Anna Freud National Centre for
Children and Families
YPI is a charity based at The Orchard in Basingstoke for free counselling sessions or mental health and emotional support for young people aged 11 to 25 years old. There is also support available for parents and the family. They run both 1-to-1 sessions and group work.
YPI provides up to 6 sessions of free counselling for 11-25 year olds, offering a confidential and safe space for young people to talk to a professional counsellor about their worries, concerns and difficulties. They can support a wide range of areas such as self-esteem, anxiety, depression, school or family issues, stress and relationships. YPIs aim is to equip young people with tools and strategies to increase their mental and emotional health.
ELSAs are emotional literacy support assistants. They are teaching assistants who have had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school. ELSAs have regular professional supervision from educational psychologists to help them in their work.
ELSAs help children and young people learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. They provide the time and space for students to think about their personal circumstances and how they manage them.
At Eggars we have Mrs Cornaia as our ELSA – she runs 6-week programmes with students, helping them to learn some specific new skills or coping strategies. Clear programme aims (SMART targets) need to be set early on and each session has an objective - something the ELSA wants to help the student understand or achieve.
The ELSA isn’t there to ‘fix’ the child. For students with complex or longterm needs, other interventions need to be considered.