Connor Fielder (2010)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
Since leaving Eggar's, I have studied Biotechnology at Cardiff University and I now work as the South Team Leader for a Medical Technology company called APC Cardiovascular.
Fond memory?
I had the pleasure of going on tour with the school Big Band to Italy and Spain and I will always hold these weeks as some of my fondest memories at Eggar's.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
When choosing College/University courses, always try to keep as many doors open as possible. It is very difficult to decide what you want to pursue as a career when you are at school, so having options is always a good thing.
Joshua Hannon (2010)
What have you done since leaving Eggar's?
I went to Alton College, and eventually moved into an eCommerce business. Since then, I have worked in several big companies in senior commercial roles, notably becoming a Sales Director at the age of 23! I am now currently running the UK sales team for a global prop-tech company working between our HQs in New York and Sweden. I am also a very proud father!
Fond memory?
Reaching the Regional Cup Final with the school football team, which was played at the Havant & Waterlooville stadium. A lot of the lads played together or against each other for their clubs, so getting picked here was like being picked for your national team in a huge pool of talent for our year group.
One piece of advice would you give to current students?
Make the most of your years in school and try everything on offer. As clichéd as it sounds, we all often look back on them genuinely as the some of the best days of our lives.
Favourite subject?
History with Mrs Buckinghamshire and Mr Wheeler
Liam Creaser (2011)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
I have been a 1st line support IT technician for Alton College and I am now a senior IT Technician at Lord Wandsworth College.
Favourite subject
Fond memory?
All the friends I made.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
You will always get to where you want in life if you try! If you fail, try again! Practice makes perfect.
Rachel Merritt (2013)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
Design for Performance degree at the Welsh National Conservatoire
Favourite subject
Physical Education
Fond memory?
Playing Rounders in the summer term!
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
Play to your strengths and if it doesn’t affect you in 5 years time don’t spend more than 5 mins worrying about it
Lucy Siers (2014)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
I studied Law at the University of Bristol and am now studying an interdisciplinary masters in Migration also at Bristol. Whilst at University, I was President of the Lawyers Without Borders Society, have been involved in multiple community volunteering projects and have written articles for my University newspaper. Following completion of my masters, I hope to travel and work abroad before potentially following a career as an Immigration Lawyer.
Favourite subject?
History - greatly influenced by the great teacher I had and the history trips.
Fondest memory?
When my friends and I set up our own social netball club in Year 11 (boys and girls) after school on a Friday. One of our form tutors (the fantastic Miss Danks) ran it for us and it was always so much fun and a great way to end the week all together.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
To always have perspective and remember that there is no rush to decide what you want to do in life. It is important to understand that school and exams are fundamental, but they should never be all-consuming. Exploring other interests and taking advantage of all that life has to offer should be valued equally to academic education. Everyone will take alternative routes after school and each is valid as long as it works for you. Move through life at the pace in which you feel comfortable, and try not to compare yourself to others.
Logan Bailey (2015)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
I am currently producing short films.
Favourite subject?
Fondest memory?
Sports Day 2013, when I was the focus of the 500m running track!
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
Everything is temporary and nothing is permanent.
Camilla Coulston (2015)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
I am an activities manager
Favourite subject
Fond memory?
Sunny lunch times on the field
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
A setback is always a set up for a comeback
Alex Bowman (2016)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
Completed A Levels (Economics, IT, Use of Maths) - Joined Deloitte's Financial Advisory Restructuring Services team through the Level 7 apprenticeship programme, which I am currently working towards completing an ACA (Associate Chartered Accountant).
Favourite subject
Physical Education
Fond memory?
Winning the Aldershot & Farnborough area football cup, also winning the national cup with the Aldershot district team.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
You don't have to go to university! There are loads of amazing apprenticeships out there in most industries. One tip would be, don't put all your eggs in one basket, apply to loads and do your research.
Zak Angell (2017)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
I studied A-Levels in chemistry, economics, history and maths, as well as biology at AS-Level at Alton College from 2017-2019. I am now studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Merton College, University of Oxford
Favourite subject
Fond memory?
Playing football and relaxing on the field during lunchtime in the summer, as well as rounders in P.E.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
To pursue what you enjoy studying/doing.
Jordan Horseman (2017)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
Applied for the Royal Air Force and had a successful career so far.
Favourite subject
Fond memory?
Watching a friend fall down the hill behind ICT.
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
Stick it out. It gets better
Megan Howell (2018)
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s?
Btec art and design level 3 at Alton College
Favourite subject
Drama/Art/Performing Arts
Fond memory?
When Mr Whatmough gave me a detention for eating 1 magic star
One piece of advice to give to a current student?
Revise while you still can