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### The below refers to our 2023/24 option process. Updated information for 2024/25 will be published later this year###

During the Spring term we will provide opportunities for Year 8 students to gather all the information and guidance needed to make good decisions about their Key Stage 4 (KS4) courses.

We are ambitious for all students, expecting them to leave us with the best possible qualifications, prepared for their next steps in education and/or employment. 

The Year 8 Options booklet 2024 is available by clicking here.  It is important that students and families read the Year 8 Options booklet which outlines the process and foundation subject information.

Important information about Year 8 Options

Core compulsory curriculum subjects are:

  • English Language and Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science*
  • PE (Core)
  • Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) [was called PPD]
  • Religious Studies (RS) [from September 2024]

*Please read our Options Booklet for more information on Science.

Foundation curriculum subjects (options subjects):

  • Art
  • Computer Science
  • Performing Arts (Dance)
  • Design and Technology
  • Drama
  • Food Preparation & Nutrition
  • Health and Social Care
  • Media Studies
  • Music
  • Photography
  • PE
  • Religious Studies
  • French or Spanish**
  • Geography and/or History

In Year 9, most students will study 5 foundation subjects. This will include Geography and/or History and, if in group 1 or 2, their current language subject (French or Spanish). In Year 10, students will continue to study 4 of the 5 foundation subjects they have started in Year 9.  Students must continue to study Geography and/or History and their language subject (if in group 1/2) in Year 10. Students will not be able to reselect subjects they have not studied in Year 9.

**Our aspiration is for all students to study a language. All students in group 1 and 2 (Spanish or French) will continue to study this language in Year 9. Students in group 3 are strongly encouraged to continue studying their current language (French or Spanish).

In our Options Booklet, each foundation (option) subject is described in detail with coursework requirements and advice on possible future career paths.  If a course is under-subscribed, we may not be able to timetable the subject. The same applies if the course is over-subscribed.  Students must make one reserve choice they would be happy to study. 

The Options Process Schedule

STEP 1: Take time to read our Options Booklet and consider which subjects to study next year.

STEP 2: Do some research online about careers and future study. Students will be completing a career focussed project style homework in PPD this term.

STEP 3: Complete the straw poll in assembly on Monday 29 January.

STEP 4: Attend the Year 8 Options Webinar on Wednesday 07 February at 17:00 via Zoom. A joining link will be emailed to all Year 8 parents on the day. 

STEP 5: Attend the Y8 Options Evening on Tuesday 05 March and 17:00 in the school foyer/hall.

STEP 6: Meet with current subject teachers for parent consultations on Thursday 21 March.

STEP 7: Meet with a senior member of staff for options advice and guidance during WB 25 March.

STEP 8: The FINAL step is to complete the Options Application Form (to follow) and return to tutors by Wednesday 01 May 2024.

Options videos for foundation subjects

Art & Design   (updated December 2022)
Computer Science
Design & Technology
Food Preparation & Nutrition

Media Studies
MFL - French & Spanish

Photography  (updated December 2022)