Spanish students discover more ...
It's an exciting time of year in the MFL department, especially in Spanish classrooms.
'El Día de los Muertos' or 'Day of the Dead', is a Mexican tradition celebrated on November 1 and 2. It can be regarded by some as the 'Spanish Halloween' due to the proximity in dates. But Year 7 Spanish students have been learning all about this exciting fiesta and comparing and contrasting the two holidays to decide if this is really the case. As well as sparking their curiosity, it also gives students the opportunity to be creative as they discover that this celebration is actually very colourful and happy.
Year 8 Spanish students have enjoyed studying the film 'Coco' - developing their perseverance in listening and giving them a taste of how the language can be studied at A Level. In KS4, students start to delve deeper into the topic and learn to describe and discuss it in Spanish, as well as English.
¡Feliz Día de Muertos a todos!