Celebrating our Year 9 Scholars ...
Over the Spring term, twelve of our Year 9 students have participated in The Scholars Programme, studying a course entitled The Age of Modern Disease: Bacterial Biofilms, Chronic Infection and Medical Innovation. It culminated in them all passing the course and going to Reading University last week for their graduation.
The day started with a welcome presentation by The Brilliant Club, followed by a Q&A session with Student Ambassadors from Reading University. Our fab 12 were then given a campus tour by one of the Ambassadors during which they asked lots of questions! In fact, we were told later by their Tour Guide that they were the most engaged group of students she had ever taken round!
After the tour, they went back to the lecture room for the graduation ceremony. Students were presented with their certificates and a representative from each school gave a short presentation about their experience of the programme. Our 'Spoke-Scholar' was Sophia who did a brilliant job.
The Programme is run by The Brilliant Club, an organisation dedicated to encouraging students to aspire to study at the top universities in the country. All twelve of our scholars did the school proud; they looked very smart, were beautifully behaved and posed lots of thoughtful questions. Congratulations!