Five amazing applicants ...
In amongst all the recent pre-public examinations that have been taking place at school, there was another exam to be sat today for five of our students. It was on engineering design and part of the application process to gain an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship.
The Scholarship is awarded to high-calibre 16-year-old students through a rigorous selection process. It is the most prestigious scholarship of its type in the UK, set up to inspire and nurture school-age students to be the country’s future leading engineers. It supports students through the two years of A-levels or equivalent qualifications. This is offered in various different ways, but it can range from valuable hands-on work experience to a personal mentor who can help with aspects of study and career planning.
Good luck to our fab five!
In the picture above: Daniel H., Benji S., Caitlyn C., Dexter R. and Josiah B.