Led by the Hampshire Poet Laureate ...
Part of Eggar's Experience Monthly this week was a really interesting Poetry Workshop led by Kathryn Bevis, the current Hampshire Poet Laureate. She took an online session with a group of budding Eggar's poets who were really inspired to create some amazing poems .
Mrs Lynch was really impressed :
" The theme of the session was identity. We began by watching the film of the poem 'I Come From' by Joseph Buckly. Having heard the poem, we then looked at it in print and identified a few features that we might 'poach' to use in our own poems such as the list format and use of repetition. Kathryn then got us to think about a place in our childhood which is/was special to us such as a friend's house or a relative's home and to note down the smells, tastes, sounds, objects that we associate with that place. We then realised we had the main content for our poems and began drafting!"
Here's just one example from Emma.
A big thank you to Kathryn for the inspiring workshop.