A school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners
We are thrilled to have been awarded the NACE Challenge Award. Only 3% of secondary schools nationally hold this award, so we are very proud of this achievement. The National Association for Able Children in Education has named Eggar’s the 126th school to be accredited for the second time with the Award.
It is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all. The assessment process includes examination of school data and key documents; lesson observations; and interviews with school leaders, learners, parents and governors.
NACE CEO Sue Riley commented:
“Eggar’s School has worked hard to attain reaccreditation through the NACE Challenge Award. It has shown itself to be committed to developing an environment in which all learners are challenged and supported to be the best they can be... The award is presented in recognition of whole-school commitment to and achievement in providing effective challenge and support for all – spanning school leadership, curriculum, teaching and learning, processes for identification and tracking, extracurricular opportunities, strong communication and partnerships, and ongoing evaluation.”
NACE’s assessor wrote:
“Eggars School provides a rich, challenging, and varied learning experience for its students. The school has continued to refine the 'Eggars Experience' as a means of broadening and enriching learning for all. ... The wide range of opportunities enrich and build on classroom learning. ... Students clearly see how this strategy benefits them with one suggesting, ‘If you take all the experiences, you will be a stronger person and have more skills."