Impressive, creative work in the summer term of lockdown
Once again, our students have demonstrated their creativity and intellectual ambition. During the summer term of lockdown, no fewer than 57 pupils from Year 7 through to Year 10 pursued an Extended Independent Project, researching a topic or issue of their own choice and presenting their findings in a range of novel and engaging formats including stop-animation films, posters, newspapers, models, digital presentations and full academic essays.
The range and complexity of topics was equally impressive, with projects as diverse as the challenges of farming on Mars, the Afshar experiment, the benefits of bare-foot running, the reliability of eye-witness statements, human and animal communication studies, and the influence of Tchaikovsky’s life experiences on his musical output – complete with accompanying recorded performance!
Each week, students were given a project milestone by the school’s MAT co-ordinator, Mrs Lynch. These included learning how to take research notes, compiling an effective survey to gather primary evidence, creating expert profiles, and structuring project narratives. Each project has been graded and students will shortly be receiving their certificates.
“The independent scholarship these students have shown is truly stunning,” says Mrs Lynch.
“I had hoped that we would be able to show-case their work in a foyer display and have a formal presentation evening for the students and their families to celebrate their achievement, but sadly we do not find ourselves in a position to do that, so we'll be having virtual presentations later this term instead.
A digital gallery of projects has been created and shared with staff; we are all proud and impressed with our students evident love of learning and commitment to challenging themselves.”