Spotlight on ... Lucy Siers who left in 2014
What have you done since leaving Eggar’s? I studied Law at the University of Bristol and I'm now studying an interdisciplinary masters in Migration also at Bristol. Whilst at University, I was President of the Lawyers Without Borders Society, I've been involved in multiple community volunteering projects and have written articles for my University newspaper. Following the completion of my masters, I hope to travel and work abroad before potentially following a career as an Immigration Lawyer.
Favourite subject? My favourite subject was History, which was greatly influenced by the great teacher I had and the history trips.
Fondest memory? When my friends and I set up our own social netball club in Year 11 (boys and girls) after school on a Friday. One of our form tutors (the fantastic Miss Danks) ran it for us and it was always so much fun and a great way to end the week all together.
One piece of advice to give to a current student? To always have perspective and remember that there is no rush to decide what you want to do in life. It is important to understand that school and exams are fundamental, but they should never be all-consuming. Exploring other interests and taking advantage of all that life has to offer should be valued equally to academic education. Everyone will take alternative routes after school and each is valid as long as it works for you. Move through life at the pace in which you feel comfortable, and try not to compare yourself to others.