Rehoming quality surplus furniture from the business community
We have recently been offered the services of Business2Schools, a company which over the last year, have taken over £2million worth of furniture and technology (that was being replaced in offices) and given it new homes in schools across the UK. It is an amazing initiative.
We have been fortunate to have received some really useful items to use within school that would have been beyond our budget. We have been able to furnish classrooms with quality desks, and many departments now have additional storage that make a big difference within a classroom.
As Mr Webb, Site Manager testifies: "The quality of the furniture we have received is staggering! We have been able to make use of all the donated items. Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, coat stands. Absolutely every item has now been allocated to a room, classroom or office space."
Community Liaison Officer, Sarah McKenzie added: "This is such a great initiative offered by Business2Schools. At a time when school budgets are tightly controlled, it’s just wonderful that businesses can donate their surplus office furniture for the benefit of our students. It’s great for our school community and even better for our environment and landfill sites.”
Photo above: Mrs Ross with Matt C & Mikey RF
Mrs Coombs and Mr Webb with Bea H & Matt G