Year 9 cross Channel swimmer!
Charlie (9KU) has gone to extreme lengths to raise money towards a Scout trip to Tanzania where he will be helping to renovate a medical centre in the summer. Except on 2 days when the Sports Centre pool was shut, he swam every day since the 28 December – a total of 924 lengths or 14.44 miles in just under 10 hours. He is aiming to do the equivalent of a cross channel swim – around 21 miles or 1344 lengths.
On Saturday 11 January he is hoping to complete his challenge… and the way he is going he looks set to easily beat the time Captain Matthew Webb, the first cross Channel swimmer achieved back in 1875 – 21 hours and 45 minutes! Luckily the pool at the Sports Centre doesn’t have quite such a busy shipping lane or jelly fish to avoid!
Why not give Charlie a cheer on Saturday between 4 and 5 at the Sports Centre when he competes the 21 miles?
Fantastic achievement Charlie – keep going!