Fantastic festive fare ...
There were smiles galore at our Christmas Party on Thursday, attended this year by over 90 of Alton's Senior Citizens. Some had been back many times to the School for this annual event, including June who hasn't missed the Party for 20 years. Many had seen their children and grandchildren go through Eggar's as students. It was great to welcome them back!
Pictured above are Malcolm, Lisa Hillan (Chair of Governors) and Mary. Both guests commented on the great atmosphere in the hall and how they really enjoyed the lovely 3 course meal served to them by some very attentive students. Another guest also commented on how she loves the Year 11 prefects performing The 12 days of Christmas, this year accompanied by an amazing band. It was terrific festive entertainment.
There was the traditional Christmas singalong with George and James (above) on the sound system for the day. They did a great job!
And there was the ever popular Christmas Raffle, with Charlie from Year 8 calling out the numbers and Caelan and Chlia taking the prizes to the lucky winners. It was an amazing team effort all round and a perfect way to end the term.
June who hasn't missed the Party for 20 years!
Head Teacher, Mr Sullivan, with guests Betty and Doris. Doris is possibly the oldest guest we have welcomed to Christmas Lunch.