Furniture making club a big success!
Students can choose from a huge variety of after school clubs and activities through the Eggar’s Experience. This year Mr Waite ran a furniture making club which although open to all year groups, attracted the most interest from Year 7 and 8s.
Mr Waite explains, ‘Wooden structures can be built using several different methods. Broadly speaking, these can be split into two types; frame and carcase construction. This year students concentrated on frame construction. They learned how to construct dowel joins as well as mortise & tenon joints.
After a few practices they were good to go. I was amazed at both their enthusiasm and the quality of their work’
After completing a group project of making a Rennie Mackintosh chair, students split into smaller teams of twos and threes to design and create a table, using their newly acquired skills.
Bill Barker in Year 8 took on the challenge of making a table on his own.
‘Bill was very dedicated’, Mr Waite explains, ‘He would turn up every week without fail to work on his table. It became a labour of love and he managed to complete it just in time to take home at the end of term. It’s a beautiful piece of work and will last a lifetime. I am really proud of Bill and all my young furniture makers this year’