Students stand out coming to school ...
You almost needed sunglasses last Friday when nearly 100 students arrived at school wearing their new high-viz vests! And it was all down to Specsavers in Alton who have generously donated over 350 vests specifically for those students who walk, scoot or cycle to school. We were thrilled to welcome Sandra Milburn from Specsavers who helped hand out the vests and pose with the students for photographs.
In the cold morning light, it was obvious to see what a difference the vests made. The fluorescent colour definitely helped the students stand out and be seen more quickly, and the reflective strips will be useful for increased visibility as the light fades in the late afternoons.
The vests will make a real difference to our students who take an active route to school. It has been great to see so many of them wearing their vests this week.
Huge thanks to Specsavers!