Getting to school in a healthy and safe way
We had a really interesting and inspiring Year 7 assembly led by Chris Collins, the Senior Road Safety Officer from Hampshire County Council.
Encouraging increased pedal power, he reflected on the Bikeability scheme which is training fully funded by the Hampshire County Council Road Safety Team. It is designed to give students additional cycling skills so that they can confidently negotiate complex junctions, roundabouts, multi-lane roads and traffic lights. Focusing on getting to school both safely and actively, Chris stressed the need for awareness of other pedestrians and cyclists as students made their active way into school. We will be continuing our Bikeability scheme in May 2019 for all Year 7 students.
Chris also spoke enthusiastically about the new Park & Stride scheme encouraging parents and guardians to drop off students in Anstey Park so they can safely walk at least some of the way to and from school. It only takes 5 minutes and with no fear of muddy shoes because of the new fully weather proof paths.
Eggar's are award winners for excellence in sustainable travel to school!
Eggar's has just been awarded a bronze certificate from Modeshift STARS, a national schools' award scheme established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.