Initial Teacher Training programmes
Eggar’s School have always welcomed the opportunity to train new entrants to the Teaching profession and this Autumn 8 eager adults have arrived to learn from the outstanding Teachers. For over a decade Eggar’s Teacher-Mentors have supported ‘Initial Teacher Training’ programmes. Various schemes exist to ensure a continuous flow of well-qualified new Teachers into schools. Recently the most popular route at Eggar’s is called ‘School Direct’ and participants like the experience of almost one year in a school supported by a Teaching School Alliance or SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training). Others choose the University lead Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) dividing their training year between two school placements.
This year at Eggar’s Mr Mitchell (PE) has joined us from LEaRN SCITT, based at Thornden School. Mr Jones (History) and Mrs Fowler (Design Technology) arrive from the TESLA SCITT based at Bohunt School. Mr Driver (maths) Miss Carter (Science) Mr Fisk (Geography) are from Brighton, Portsmouth and Chichester Universities. All have settled well and are enjoying meeting the amazing students.
Each Student Teacher has the opportunity to observe lessons, be part of our Progress system learning with a tutor group as well as a Professional Studies Programme. Sessions are led by Eggar’s staff preparing our Student Teachers to lead students with their graduate subject expertise. We wish them all a wonderful year here at Eggar’s.
If you would be interested in ‘Training to Teach’ please contact us for further information and we can help to direct your enquiries.