Alastair Stewart hosts annual Head’s Quiz
Another fabulous Head’s Quiz Night was held last Friday with a packed hall of nearly 120 eager quizzers. ITV’s News Presenter Alastair Stewart was the perfect host, returning for the third year to pose Mr Sullivan’s fiendish questions to teams made up of staff, parents and friends. Each round was themed and included topics such as Hull, Hampshire and “The Geography of Drinks”.
The PTA supported the event brilliantly and did sterling work, running the bar and preparing and serving the delicious chilli supper. It was truly a whole school effort with some Year 10 prefects helping to mark the papers and other students providing the sound and lighting during the evening.
The quiz winners were the ‘Team with no Name’ – congratulations to them!
One regular quizzer commented:
“I really enjoyed the Head's Quiz last week. Alastair Stewart was very professional as usual. The chilli was also excellent. Look forward to the same again next year”. (Tony Payne)