The Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee (the liability of the members is set at £10 in the model Articles of Association). The Trust has two layers of governance:
- The members, who operate at a strategic level with ultimate control over the direction of the Academy Trust, and
- The trustees with responsibility for day-to-day management and operation of the Academy Trust.
The Members
The Members of the Academy Trust are the guardians of governance and their limited duties include:
- Overseeing the achievement of the objectives of the company.
- Taking part Extraordinary General Meetings.
- Appointing some of the Trustees.
- Receiving the company’s financial accounts and annual Trustees’ report.
- Appointing the Academy’s external auditors.
- Power to amend the Articles of the company and, ultimately, to remove the trustees/directors.
- Power to change the name of the Academy.
Members will not receive any remuneration or financial distribution from the Trust for performing their role.
Current members are:
- Stephen Dunne
- Gareth Morgan
- Ruth White
- Mary Downes
The Trustees (the Trustee Body)
Academies are companies limited by guarantee which means the board of Trustees act as both Charity Trustees (within the terms of section 177(1) of the Charities Act 2011) and company directors. Because Trustees are bound by both charity and company law, the terms ‘Trustees’ and ‘Directors’ are often used interchangeably. The Trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Trust, and in accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and Articles of Association and its funding agreement, they are legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of the Academy and must approve a written scheme of delegation of financial powers that maintains robust internal control arrangements. The Trust Board is the employer of every member of staff. The Board of Trustees has the right to review and adapt its governance structure at any time which includes removing delegation powers. Trustees will not receive any remuneration or financial distribution for performing their role.
The key responsibilities of the Trustees are:
- To ensure the quality of educational provision.
- To challenge and monitor the performance of the school.
- To oversee the management of the Academy Trust’s finances and property.
- To oversee the management of the staff.
- To exercise reasonable skill and care in carrying out their duties.
- To ensure that the Academy Trust complies with charity and company law.
- To ensure the Academy operates in accordance with the Funding Agreement that has been signed with the Secretary of State.