A tale of teamwork, new friends, determination, sneaky post-walk naps and... spicy Pringles
Sixteen students took part in the DofE practice expedition ahead of the Silver assessed weekend coming up tomorrow, September 30. Friday night saw tents being pitched at the campsite in Tilford, dinner cooked, routes planned and a refresher lesson on first aid. With all the jobs done for the evening the students were then able to relax around a campfire and toast marshmallows.
Everyone found Friday night really cold, with frost on the tents in the morning! It didn't stop the students putting in a fantastic effort on their 15km+ walk that day. There were some sore feet, but they all showed great resilience. Saturday night was a little warmer and everyone got a better night's sleep. After breaking camp on Sunday morning, they all set off early for a second full day of walking and practising navigation skills.
The weekend was a happy mix of teamwork, new friendships, campfire chat, grit, determination, sneaky post walk naps, spicy Pringles and Hula-hoops!
Miss Balch would like to thank the four intrepid staff members who supported the expedition over the weekend: Mrs Lynch, Mr Roach, Miss Woolston and Miss Khan.
We are so proud of all the students who took part, and we're looking forward to their next adventure.