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Spring Term 2021


The information, advice and guidance below was shared with schools on the evening of  December 17. 

Monday 04 January 2021:
This will now be an extra Inset day for all schools in the country to enable them to prepare for the lateral flow device tests that the Government have asked us to implement. As yet, we have received no further information on its implementation, and we will update you as soon as we know. 

From Tuesday 05 January 2021:
Year 11 will return to school for face-to-face learning
• Years 7 – 10 will remain at home for Home Learning
Students of all key workers and vulnerable children will be provided with on-site supervision, in their bubbles, and will access the same remote learning as all other students who are at home. Our intention is to provide these in a hybrid method using Microsoft Teams
• An updated definition of critical workers and vulnerable student groups can be found here:
• Would key workers ONLY please complete the survey by clicking here
• All parents of our vulnerable students will be contacted by the school before
we return in January. 

From Monday 11 January 2021: 
All students return to school as normal at 08:30

Further information about Home Learning will be sent to years 7 – 10 at the very beginning of next term. 





Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash